Wednesday, 16 September 2015


What drew my attention to Samuel Halls' knitted collection was the variety of forms and materials within his pieces. As Hall explains in his brief, he "enjoys testing and pushing the boundaries of knitted textiles, through the possibilities of materials and how they can be manipulated". He has a good combination of dimensions in his work, with certain areas bigger and bolder than others. I love the busy tassel bits next to the simple lines, this is something I would love to transfer into my work for final year, but through the medium of embroidery instead. Manipulating fabric and testing the boundaries is another skill I want to experiment with in my final year, creating pieces that are original and unique. Halls' collection has that "touchy feely" aspect to them, they almost look alive..

He has explored the concept of "contamination; how clean and how delicate spaces can become disturbed by the unexpected, particularly in terms of colour and texture." I like his idea behind his work, it's original and very out of the ordinary. He has expressed this by contrasting fabrics such as leather and latex with cotton, using bold and exciting colours. I think over all, his samples had a strong connection throughout, and they all tell a different story with something quirky about each one. I can imagine his samples on the catwalk in form of an oversized statement jumper. Hall's website is pretty simple and has kept his writing to a minimum. But, pictures speak louder than words and his use of photography is outstanding. His photographs tell the story of his collection, with no need of explaining. His name on the blog is a form of a logo, which again is simple but works really well. 

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